Day 1
Module 1
Introduction to the Internet of Things
- What is the IoT and why is it important?
- Elements of an IoT ecosystem.
- Technology drivers.
- Business drivers.
- Typical IoT applications.
- Trends and implications.
Module 2
- Introduction to microcontroller (arduino or raspberry pi)
Day 2
Module 3
- Microcontroller — theory.
- Working principle of microcontroller.
- GPIO of microcontroller.
- Architecture of micro controller.
Module 4
- Developing general codes in microcontroller.
- Interfacing analog /digital sensor with microcontroller.
- Interfacing relay board, zigbee, gsm modules.
- Working on UART communication
Day 3
Module 5
- Introduction to IOT SERVER.
- Working with thingspeak.
Module 6
Connectivity and networks
- Wireless technologies for the IoT.
- Edge connectivity and protocols.
- Creating IOT account
Day 4
Module 7
Analytics and applications
- Signal processing, real-time and local analytics.
- Databases, cloud analytics and applications.
Module 8
Connectivity and networks
- Local processing on the sensor nodes.
- Connecting sensors to cloud.
- Processing offline data.
- Creating private cloud. (Infoziant-server)
- Interfacing IOT board with private cloud.
- Creating output window using php.
Day 5